Hardware & Software Procurement

Computers have a shelf life - is your hardware past its expiration date?

Computers have a shelf life, making life cycle management key for growing businesses. Keeping an eye on maintenance and vendor support before network equipment reaches the end of its life enables the cycle to continue without any interruption. Auriga’s hardware audits, knowledge of product lines, and vendor partnerships help our customers obtain affordable products that will meet their business needs.

Let Auriga help you avoid the five most common risks around aging hardware:

  • Risk of parts failure and inability to source parts quickly or at all.
  • Less efficient, less cost effective, and less productive for users.
  • Inability to run latest software/OS because it requires more recent hardware.
  • Expensive or unavailable out-of-warranty support.
  • The cost of new hardware is often less than keeping an old system hobbling along.

Additionally, by documenting software in use, being smart about what’s deployed, and staying on top of renewals, subscription and license management cuts costs and keeps you ahead of the game. Plus, as a certified software reseller, Auriga can directly connect your business with the right software solution.

Strategic Partners

Microsoft Surface
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Samsung Business
Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider
Cisco Select
Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider
Microsoft Surface
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Samsung Business
Cisco Select

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