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If not, you’re not alone, and Auriga is here to help. We can bring harmony to your core network using:
A firewall is your first line of defense against unauthorized access to your network.
It should be:
Switches connect devices on a computer network to receive, process, and forward data to the destination device. They are the backbone of your office network.
Server Optimization & Virtualization includes proper configuration, maintenance, clean up, and regular backups as well as installing tested Microsoft updates. And, server virtualization can save money on hardware and licensing – the more physical servers you have, the more potential points of failure there are. By virtualizing, we can consolidate multiple servers onto highly efficient hardware.
Wi-Fi Access Points, or places Wi-Fi can be accessed, have proliferated over the past 10-15 years. This creates the need for optimization and robust solutions in overloaded environments.
Virtual Private Networks (VPN) provide secure remote access to corporate file servers for remote users, requiring two-factor authentication.
A Circuit carries signals between devices. They can be unreliable, outdated, and expensive. Auriga has strong telecom relationships and can recommend high quality business-class circuits with appropriate bandwidth as well as negotiate best price.
Failover is a method of protecting computer systems from failure in which standby equipment automatically takes over when the main system fails.
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a phone service that works over an internet connection. Many cost-effective solutions are available and include options such as voicemail to email, auto-attendants, multiple lines, SMS via multiple devices, and mobility to take business with you wherever you go.
Structured Data Cabling is a hardwire telecommunications cabling infrastructure that delivers predictable performance, and has the flexibility to accommodate moves, additions, and changes. It maximizes system availability, provides redundancy, and future-proofs the usability of the cabling system, while being more reliable than wireless.
Router/Modem: a router creates a network between devices while a modem connects that network to the Internet. Auriga will work with your internet Service Provider to put in place the most robust devices possible including a commercial grade router.